What’s the secrets behind sexy abs? Everything you need to get that beautiful abs

by - 30 December

It is certainly true you do need to be sufficiently lean in order to see your abs through the layers of skin but if they aren’t well developed they aren’t going to pop no matter how lean you are. Therefore, a well-structured ab program is going to be your key for defined abs and a sexy V-tapper you can be proud of next time you step foot on the beach.

The key to the perfect mid-section is reducing your body fat percentage and sculpting the abs through targeted training.

It’s not that I want a chiseled six pack or anything like that, but a lean, toned stomach is ideal when you’re spending your days by the pool or ocean. Not to mention, working your abs has plenty of benefits. On top of making your rockin’ bod look even better, having a strong core improves your stability and balance, supports your spine to give you better posture, and even reduces your risk of injury and disease.

One thing I’ve learned over the years is that when it comes to getting your dream body, it’s a mixture of consistent exercise and a healthy diet. By doing the exercises below and filling yourself with well feel-good food, you can without a doubt get the summer body you want! From the best Youtube tutorials for a tightened core, to insight on why different gym classes are great for your abs, these are all our sexy abs secrets!

(i). 10 min Beginner Fast Belly Blaster: Abs-Toning Medicine Ball Workout 

This Youtube tutorial by GymRa takes you through numerous abdominal exercises you can do with a medicine ball. Adding the extra weight really works and strengthens your core, and is sure to give you the abs you want! It’s just ten minutes, and it’s perfect for beginners, just make sure to follow the proper technique shown in the video. It’s a great workout to tag on at the end of your gym sesh, or to do at home if you only have a slice of time!

(ii). Quick Sexy Stomach Slimming Abs Workout 

A perfect ab workout to do in your bedroom or living room, this video by womenworkoutchannel  consists of 6 exercises that will tighten your tummy, helping you achieve the body you desire. Do this workout everyday, especially when you can’t make it to the gym. It’s quick and you’ll feel so much better that you at least did something.

(iii). Take a spin class 

You may think that spin classes only target your legs, and while they give your gams a killer workout, so much of cycling has to do with your core. For the entire class, you are engaging your abdominal muscles to keep your upper body stable and in line. I try to do at least one spin class a week and always notice how strong my core feels afterwards. Just because it’s not marketed as a core workout, doesn’t mean it’s not amazing for your abs!

(iv). Sexy Abs In 3 Minutes 

Sexy abs in 3 minutes? Count me in. This video by Danette May takes you through three moves that will trim your waistline and help you get the abs of your dreams. She recommends doing the routine three times a week for three weeks and see where it gets you! You’re sure to be impressed and see awesome results.

(v). Ballet barre class 

Have you ever noticed what amazing bodies ballerinas have? Barre training develops so much strength in every part of your body, especially your legs and core. You can take a ballet class at a dance studio to get a solid dose of core work. Your abs will get a serious workout with this. 

(vi). How to Do Planks Correctly 

Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to strengthen your core. Natalie Jill Fitness uses this video to explain how to do planks correctly. She demonstrates proper plank technique and explains the importance of having a strong core over all. Remember, the plank shouldn’t hurt your arms or back, all the work should be centred!

(vii). Core yoga 

With poses like plank and boat pose, any yoga class is great for working your abs, but a core yoga class will take you one step further. In core yoga the focus is on poses and exercises that strengthen your stomach muscles. You will still be taken through a typical yoga sequence, but extra emphasis will be placed on your core, and you’ll probably have to do some crunches as well!

(viii) Fit Ball Core Strength – Abs Workout 

This 15 minute ab workout by eFit30 is intense, but if you’re up for it, the exercises will make a major difference in the appearance of your abs over time. I love using stability balls for ab workouts. I recently started doing this over the past year or so, and it has definitely made a big difference. If you’re just starting to work stability balls into your workout, be aware, you will feel the good kind of sore for a few days after!

(ix). How to Get a Flat and Sexy Stomach in Just 5 Mins! – Abs Like a Model 

In this in-depth tutorial by fitness guru Joanna Soh, she shows you how to master ab-building exercises. She demonstrates and talks you through proper technique, so it’s suitable even for beginners. Don’t forget a killer playlist while you’re working your core so you can take your mind off the (good) pain! In the description section of the video she also answers FAQs, so be sure to check them out!



Following our techniques will help you develop a flat tummy and an hourglass figure, but will also help protect you from injuries and prevent the onset of many common degenerative conditions that affect people as they age. You don't need fancy equipment, so you can do this just about anywhere. If you can get your ab routine in at least three times a week, you’ll quickly see results. You’ll notice you feel stronger, your posture improves, and you’ll love the way your abs look!

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