
"Helping People Lose Weight, Stay Fit, Having Vibrant Health, Gracious Belly, Sexy Butt And Looking Tasty"
The list of diseases related to being overweight is virtually endless but so are the benefits of weight loss and healthy living. Losing weight can be a tough task, but it is not impossible. There was a period of time when people thought smoking tobacco was healthy. Experts also downplayed just how detrimental sugar is to your health, and let’s not forget about the low-fat craze of the ’80s and early ’90s. All of this is to say: Certain once-believed “healthy” habits turned out to be anything ‘but’. Science and research methods are ever evolving, which means weight loss recommendations are constantly being revised. That’s why nutritionists are constantly switching up their diets to stay lean. To make sure you’re not falling victim to diet-derailing health myths or following antiquated advice, we’ve rounded up bogus “healthy” information that will help you shed that unwanted pounds and only leave you wider, slimmer, lighter and softer than before. We dish into Exercising, eating healthy, burning fat, losing weight, and having fun. Healthy habit, weight loss, clean eating, detox, diet, fitness, and healthy recipes.